Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.
— Matthew 19:14, NIV
Children's Church


Following the music portion of the 10am service, children ages 2-9 are dismissed from adult worship to participate in Children's Church. During Children's Church, kids enjoy a snack, an engaging Bible lesson, fun activities and crafts, music and free play. Our dedicated volunteers provide excellent care and attention to children in a safe, nurturing environment. Children's Church takes place in the basement classrooms in the back of the church or in an upstairs classroom in the Family Life Center.


We provide childcare during the entire 10:00am worship service for children ages 2 and under in the nursery, which is located in the back of the sanctuary or through the kitchen in the Family Life Center. There, infants and toddlers begin learning of Jesus’ love in a safe, caring environment. 


GEMS (girls’ ministries)

Wednesday evenings from 7-8 PM the girls have a lesson and craft/free time with one of our wonderful ladies as they pour the love of Jesus into these girls’ lives in the FLC.

Royal Rangers (Boy’s Ministry)

Wednesday evenings from 7-8 PM the boys join Mr. Kevin and Mr. Jason for a lesson upstairs in the FLC as well as go on interactive field trips.

Royal Rangers.png

The “Judy Scranton Memorial Playground” was dedicated on Sunday, April 4, 2021 with much of her family in attendance! We are excited to see children of our church and community enjoy this wonderful playscape!

Judy Scranton
Memorial Playground
